wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back to School! (Day 3)

BACK TO SCHOOL! (instead on being in NP, here I am, in WUST!)

First lesson starts at 9am and apparently if any of us were late by 5 minutes, fines were imposed on latecomers. We had an introduction on Project Management by Mr Richard Chia from 9am-1130am.

my roommates! ready for first day of school?

see the morning sun? it's scorching hot!

Early dismissal means early lunch! Went to get our lunch before the next lesson which is at 2pm. The second half of the lesson was conducted by Ms Alicia Hock and we got started with the first chapter of PM. We were assigned tutorials and due on Monday.

After which, everyone went back to their dorm to put their belongings as the local students brought us to one of the shopping centre in Wuhan.

waiting for the bus to Town

overcrowded bus!

wonder how anyone will sit in this?

Let Shiling demonstrate that!

9 out of 11 girls chilling in Starbucks! we sure to have fun!!!

The shopping centre was equipped with local brands and there’s even Wal-Mart. Unheard of the local brands in the shopping centre, I was moderately stunned. We separated from the guys as we girls, tend to shop a lot! Guess where did the guys go instead?

reminds you of anything? hint: internet website!

spotted: Walmart in Wuhan!!!

the shopping centre that we went!
mini cooper in sight!

aren't they cute! rare to find this in SG!
Believe it or not, they went to arcade to spend their money on games! Well, boys will be boys. By 8.30pm, all of us have to meet outside the Macdonald. As most of the girls do not wish to shop at the shopping centre, we ended up in Starbucks Coffee instead!

P/S: For those who are keen to come to Wuhan or coffee addicts, fret not!
You can find Starbucks Coffee anywhere! Apparently, it is more well known that Coffee Bean in Wuhan. Oh yes! The prices for foods and beverages are way cheaper than in Singapore if we convert back to Singapore currency. That’s an advantage of having a strong Singapore dollar. Hehe! You can expect the same standard as those in Sg, maybe because they have to uphold the reputation of Starbucks Coffee.

we love taking photos! girls will be girls!

Dee's tuna wrap

my mango ice blended

good life in Wuhan, i believe! :)

my all time fav- fruits salad!

We chilled in Starbucks Coffee till 7.30pm. Knowing girls, we bought all the basic necessities that we need in Wal-Mart. I envy China for having Wal-Mart as they are extremely huge and I can find everything in there (Maybe because it's US brand).

Main itinerary: Toilet seat for our lavatory!

My roomates and I (Jiali and Diyanah) combed every sections in Wal-Mart, not missing any of it. We bought items such as tidbits to keep us awake to finish up our blogging, indoor slippers, mugs, water bottles and more. Our hopes were dashed when we could not find the toilet seat for our lavatory. But we chose not to give up! After grabbing all the other stuffs, our jaws dropped!

“YEAY!!!!! THE TOILET SEAT!!!!!!! FINALLY WE FOUND YOU, TOILET SEAT!” Shouted my roommates and I. We were ecstatically happy and rushed towards the toilet seat with our trolley like as if we saw a famous celebrity! But overall, we were contented when we saw the toilet seat.Without any hesitation, 3of us chose the colour for our toilet seat and quickly leave the section. We could not care less about the other items in Wal-Mart since we got what we need! Especially the toilet seat! Wonder how happy we are? Look at this!

Toilet seat that we were overjoyed about

JL trying to open the toilet seat. can?

ta-dah! yeay!

Oh yes, before I missed any part, for those yoghurt lover, you can get it from Wal-Mart for 5 RMB! It’s certainly inexpensive as it cost a mere dollar in Singapore. Yes, I know that you will be quite wary with foods that contain lactic acid but I have tried the yoghurt for a couple of times, and they are extremely delicious!!! We spent a total of RMB 307 in Wal-Mart and they are all worth it. And again, bringing your own shopping bag, is essential. If not, please pay 20 cents to the cashier.

We went to nearby bakery store after meeting the guys before heading back to our hostel. We rode bus 701 and it was only about 7 stops away from our school. The hostel was already pitched dark when we reached and we have to walk slowly in case we trip over anything.

We were relieved when we opened the door to our room like as if a full spa awaits us! We were dead shagged from the shopping earlier on and my roommates and I took turn to use the lavatory. As the University monitor closely on the utilities bill and the water supply, upholding Ngee Ann’s reputation, we try to save as much as we can. Everyone turned in early since school awaits us the next day!

our room is the cleanest, okay! believe me. :)

our food + snacks for the first 2 weeks

JL with her face mask! loving her face mask!

our bedroom slippers from Wal-Mart! :))

Main reflection: Singapore has been a developed country for a period of time. We can rarely see toilet that does not equipped with good facilities. China, still being a developing country, obviously not advancing with the high technology. The locals get used to the lifestyle they had lead for many years, but for us, Singaporean kids, we try so hard to adapt to their lifestyle. But not in the case of toilet seat. Our minds were relieved that the toilet seat was available. See how brat we are? haha!
In any case, we have to save the electricity and the water supply for the next 5 weeks. Should we overused it, we have to pay for the extra bills. Back in Singapore, we did not realise the hardship that our parents suffer. They have to work extremely hard to pay for the utilities, foods and many more. In here, i admit that this trip is an eye-opener for me as I have to take care of myself and adapt to the lifestyle in China. This trip made me to be a better person. :)

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