wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Shopping spree- Day 5

What comes onto your mind when Saturday is Free and Easy day?

well, for girls, SHOPPING SPREE is what we have been waiting for! It's the first free and easy weekend and we decided to ride down to Town with the help of the local students. The thought that i could actually wake up later than usual was enticing but when I heard that the local students want to bring us to Town to shop, I shoved my tiredness away.

Meet area was at the dormitory's lobby at 11am but surprisingly most of they guys were not ready. Some even woke up late! Maybe the thought of going shopping which makes the girls to prepare as fast as they can. Nice! :) 
The local students that had been a helping hand over the time
Walked towards the bus stop and waited for bus no. 588. The bus journey took us about 1 hour or so including the traffic congestion and work constructions. While in the bus, I saw the bad air pollution when crossing the bridge.
My UNOs kakis! wonderful friends!
The bad air pollution
When we reached the urban areas of Wuhan, we were actually "greeted" by a poor lil boy busking in the streets. Poor him, as he had to do busking for living. Remember how Far East Plaza looks like? Yes, this shopping centre that we went to, has got the same similarity.

Once we reached the shopping centre,the girls separated from the boys (Shopping time!). Without further ado, we went in to the Korean BBQ restaurant to enjoy our buffet lunch which costed 48RMB! Convert to Singapore currency- $10! Where on earth could you get a spread for only $10? The maximum time to eat was 2 hours but within an hour, our stomach could not take it anymore. The spread was a wondrous one that we were reluctant to go out of the restaurant. Since shopping is our forte, we manged to get out of the restaurant!
A horoscope game that was found on the table
The Korean BBQ restaurant

See the spread???

We managed to shop till 5pm. For full four hours!

Cheap Cheap "branded" slippers

The babes! (Jo & Yi xian not around) SHOPPING!

After that, we meet up with the boys to go to a tourist attraction where we can have a scenic view to take pictures.

One of the famous building in Wuhan. It will lit up in the evening.
One of the tourist attraction. Scenic View.
The scenic view of Yangtze river
The versatile group!

We could not stay long as we have a boat to catch and we have to be back home latest by 10.30pm. Walked till we reached the pier. It was quite a walking distant though. We reached the pier @ 7.00pm and the boat will bring us to another area to have our dinner.

Heard that the streets that we went, famous for its pork dumpling! Wonder how true was that? Look at this!

Pork Dumpling!
Homemade Chin Chow. naise!
China local shaved ice!
We could not dawdle any longer as we have to be backed by 10.30pm. Otherwise, fines will be imposed on us and this situation will do any party any good. It will reflect bad on us as well as the reputation of NP.

Reflection: Time management is cruicial in this trip and we have to be discplined enough to take care of ourself. While eating our lunch together, we managed to spent quality time together. I believe when time goes by, the bond will be closer. Although in a rare cases that we can find lil kids busking along the streets, in here, it's fairly common. Singaporean kids should be fortunate and in the developing countries, they started working to feed their families at a very young age. We managed to discipline ourselves as we did reach the WUST campus before 10.30pm. And that's because, our mentality already locked that fines will impose on us if we went back home late. So we managed to aid each other to eat faster and walk faster so that everyone will reach before the clock strikes 10.30pm. :)

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