wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Accomplishing 7000 steps- Day 27

10.10.10 marked the crucial day for the MDE and LSCT students that climbed over the 7000 steep steps of Wudang Mountain. United as one, astoundingly, the whole lot of 21 students from MDE including our two mentors agreed to climb to the top of the mountain. We were in high spirit when everyone settled on going and cheered on for each other. A few of the LSCT students stayed behind due to unforeseen circumstances.

Anyway, morning call at 6am and all of us have to be down by 6.30am for breakfast. Some came later despite the morning call from the front desk. The room was too comfortable that I bet all of was reluctant to wake up. How I wished we could stay there for another night!

Our breakfast for the day!
By 7am, we took a 2 minute bus ride to the entrance of the Wudang Mountain. We have to show the ticket that we bought the day before entering to Phase 1. If we lost the ticket, we have to buy a new one.  As for my case, I failed to remember to bring the ticket down (which I strongly thought I’ve placed it in my purse). In the end, buying another ticket was the best solution rather than going back to the hotel and not experiencing the 7000 over steps to the Golden Summit. The price that I paid for was RMB 100 less than the original price.

Our ticket! to Wudang Shan

Took 45 minutes to an hour bus ride to the starting point where our mission was going to start. Group D that consist of Yu Chuan, Yi Xian, Edward and I started our mission first. We cheered and encouraged one another to keep on going and not giving up halfway.

Trying to cover ourselves from the strong wind!

See the cloud???

While on our way to the golden summit, Edward and Yu Chuan come to a decision to lend a helping hand to an old man. He was making a delivery from the bottom of the bottom to the peak and the total mass of the goods that he were carrying were about 100kg. The rest of them decided to assist the remaining goods. We continued with our journey when he did not need our help. All of us hiked slowly to the top of the mountain. Within half an hour, my group being the good Samaritan, aided an old woman whom was having difficulty in climbing up the stairs to the summit. She was carrying a big bag and we could sense that she may injured herself in the heavy rain.
See how strong they were?

In the end, everyone helped to carry one each!

This was one of the toilet I don't date to go in!

See the Golden Palace? 

I love the cloud!

Before entering to the golden palace, we have to pay RMB 20 to climb all the way to the top

We were supposed to be the first team to climb to the peak of golden summit. But our group decided to do good deeds and turned out we were the last few groups to hike to the peak. I felt relieved once I was at the peak and the scenic view was unbelievable. Although the muscle pain in my legs were excruciating, it was worthwhile. The temperature at the golden summit was about 10 degrees and it was raining heavily. I could see many elderly managed to climb up to the peak and offered prayers in the temple.

Finally, group D, A and E managed to climb together but we could not spent too long on the summit as we have to be back by 2pm for dinner. Climbed down as fast as I could with Michelle and Houng Sheng while the rest still lagged behind.  It took me about 45 minutes to climb down despite the heavy rain and slippery steep steps.

Once we reached at the restaurant, I saw many of my friends and the LSCT students waiting for us. We could be in there too but being the first is not important since we have done two good deeds. Ate a hearty lunch since everyone was so hungry from the hiked and some of us managed to buy souveniers to bring back to Singapore.

Took a 6 hour ride back home to our hostel and all of us knocked out within an hour. We were pretty worn out from the hiking. Goodness!

Mr Chia ordered Mcdelivery for the MDE and LSCT students as we had no time to buy foods for dinner. Some of us ordered vegetarians as we were sick of Mcdonalds. Placed our bags in our hostel room and went down to take our foods. Everyone turned in early as our legs were sore from the hiked and thank god, lesson were push to afternoon instead of normal morning lesson.

Personal Reflection: Mission Accomplished!

I used to be unfit where I dislike hiking and running. But now, hiking is one of my favourite sport where it trained my stamina and my leg muscles. So I would not say that Wudang Mountain is an obstacle to me. I prefer to make this as a challenge to myself.

When I managed to climb to the golden summit despite the heavy rain and intervals to aid the two elderly, I felt that if both the old man and woman can climb all the way to the golden summit, why can’t I give my best shot?

Wudang Mountain was known for its academic research such as martial arts, medicines and for prayers as well. Golden Palace which is known to the Taoists, can be found at the Golden summit of Wudang Mountain.
I’ve seen that many elderly climbed the mountain despite the hardship they suffered. These older generations were weak and frail yet their motivation and their strong religion kept them going. They believed if the climb to the top their prayers maybe heard.

To enter the Wudang Mountain, everyone needs to purchase a ticket. And to climb all the way to the Golden Summit, we have to purchase a ticket that cost RMB 20. The entrance fee of Wudang Mountain is RMB 200. That’s why the some of the locals have not visited the Wudang Mountain as the entrance fee and to climb to the golden summit is expensive.  Nevertheless, the price that we paid for to see the panoramic view of Wudang Mountain, is superb! No other words could describe the feeling when you are on the peak. 

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