wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

heading towards Wudang Mountain- Day 26


I did not sleep the previous night as I wanted to finish up my blogging before going to Wudang Shan (mountain) for our 2 days 1 night trip. And since, the journey to Wudang Mountain accumulate to about 6 hours, I can fully utilize the time to have forty winks. Literally threw the clothes and other stuffs that were necessary to bring for the 2 days 1 night trip in the big mamasan bag. The meeting time was at 6.45am and my roommates and I have to rush so that we would not be late in case fines were imposed on us.

Good grievance, we were on time! Boarded the bus and placed our bags on top. Since everyone was dead shagged and waking up as early as 5am was not our forte, we continued to meet each other in the fantasy world within 15 minutes. I wonder how was the journey- smooth or rocky? We were awakened by the tour guide where we had our first pit stop. Most of us went to the toilet or stretched ourselves as we were still far from our destination. The bus driver then, continued the long journey. And there goes continuation of our fantasy world.

The 6 hour bus ride!

Reached our destination at 12.32pm and our stomach knew very well the timing for lunch. Headed to one of the restaurant near to Wudang Mountain for our lunch. We had a scrumptious lunch where the vegetarians foods were separated from the others.  As I thought that we could go back to the hotel to rest before the actual day, we were brought to the Wudang Mountain to have a trial plus visited some places of interest.
The trial was not that bad as we covered only about 1/8 of the entire mountain. There was even a tea house where we were able to sample the tea before buying if for souveniers. The lady convinced us that once we drank the tea, the tea will taste sweet if we tried drinking with normal water. Well, we trust her verdict but I did not buy the tea as my family’s not a tea favourite. After which we roamed around to see various places that Wudang mountain offered.

Group D showcasing the martial art!

Heard that Singapore is selling this but very expensive! 

This was just 1/8 of the mountain. there's more to go!

Jump Jump Jump!

For the trial, we went to different levels where we took bus to reach to our destination. We hiked till dinner time where we had our dinner at the hotel. I bet everyone was too exhausted to eat dinner such that some of us did not eat that much. Placed our bag in our room and went down by 8.15pm to go to the supermarket to buy some snacks and water for our big day tomorrow. We bought more water bottles in case any of us gets dehydrated or not feeling well while climbing the mountain. Went back to our hotel and had a long cool shower. None of us wanted to go out of the lavatory as we were mesmerized by the toilet. Everyone turned in early as we don’t want to be late or lack of energy for the “big” day tomorrow.

the sampling of tea which is sweet if u drink it with plain water!

The 5th batch of OIP martial arts!

Remember the Karate Kid?


Try to understand pls!

Our toilet! :)

Oh please don't buy 4D! 

See our room! Don't want to go back.. :(

Personal Reflection:  The six hour bus ride reminded me of taking a coach from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. My butt was strained throughout the journey and I knew I had to withstand the pain. We were lucky there were pit stops along the way. I felt that Singaporeans were very lucky as we can never get a bus ride that lasted for six hours from origin A to destination B.

While we were having lunch, I finally understood that the Chinese love eating as one big group rather than individual. And rarely I saw multiple spoon on each dishes. In fact, I could hardly see them. After one month staying in Wuhan, and so I realized that the Chinese do not need multiple spoons on each dishes while eating as it symbolized the distant between the host and the guests. As for close relatives or families, the Chinese seldom uses multiple spoons on each dish. They will take the dish that they want using their own chopsticks.

While visiting some places on the Wudang Mountain, I realized that this was where the Karate Kid featuring Jackie Chan and Jaden smith acted. It’s a famous mountain, I supposed! I’ve got the confident for tomorrow hiking to the golden summit as my team members will cheer and encourage each other so that we won’t give up halfway despite the over 7000 steep stairs. It will be such a waste if we come all the way to Wuhan and not experiencing the 7000 over steps to the Golden Summit. 

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