wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

when Nobody gets Everybody- Day 29

Had our final presentation on our Project Management project in the morning. Supposedly, we were the first group to present but group A decided to swap with us. So, we were the second group to present at 9.45am-10am.

Our group decided to standardize our attire and four of conclude on wearing formal attire. The presentation was made in Mr Chia’s room that morning. Some of the groups were still rushing for final editing while our group decided on which part each of us going to talk.

We managed to show Mr Chia our final presentation that comprises of the gantt chart, updated AON network, interim baseline and project cost crashing. Not only that, we have to show him our video that will be aired in Singapore. Apparently, Mr Chia loves our trailer and he said that our movie seems to be very interesting.
After the presentation, we were given our own free time to do blogging and prepare for the farewell performance. Each group has to come up with an idea that symbolized Singapore. And apparently, my group sang “Home” by Kit Chan. Some of the groups did puppetry, traditional games, fashion show that consists of different ethnic in Singapore and sing one of the national day theme song.

The local students had their time showcasing their part such as skits, dance and sing. Apart from that, the girls from MDE performed “Nobody” by Wondergirls. The audience simply loved it so much that we were elated as our hard work paid off. As for the boys, they sang two songs from a famous Singapore drama and the crowd sang together. It was indeed an enjoyable night!

The Year 2 and Year 3 local students
Group C
Group E
The snacks that they prepared for us. 
Finally, Group D
Group A showcasing the ethnic group in Singapore

Nobody nobody but you!

Personal Reflection: In today’s blog, I can relate the events that have happened to two of the N.E message.

  • We must preserve racial and religious harmony.
  • We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility
Singapore is a multi-racial and multi-religious country. To live together peacefully and prevent racial or religious riots from breaking out, it is important that we understand the importance of respecting another race of religion, and not be bias or prejudice, which can bring about internal breakdown, diminishing the national cohesiveness of Singapore.

When group A showcase the different ethnic that can be found in Singapore, they were listening attentively as they are curious on what Singapore got to offer. With this, the locals could see that Singapore is a multi racial and multi religious country. Where there’s a mix of Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasians. We have undergone racial riots for the past decades and now, Singapore is a multi racial country where every religion and races come together and unite as one.

To contribute to society, we should work to the best of their abilities and strive hard to achieve success. In Singapore, there is no such thing as taking shortcuts, only by working hard and reflecting your best in every work that you do then can you achieve what you want.

While we are showcasing our cultural performances, hard works do paid off. And there’s no such thing as taking shortcuts in life. As for the dance practice that involved all the girls, we have practiced the dance steps ever since the day we reached Wuhan. And memorizing the dance steps took a lot of time but everyone managed to memorize the dance steps and the formation.

I noticed that the local students took an extra mile when performing during the cultural night. The local students seemed to be very friendly and nice towards us and they dare to strike conversation. They tried to converse in English albeit it’s not fluent but it’s the thought that counts. 

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