wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Friday, October 8, 2010

CoCa Cola & OIE Presentation- Day 16

First industrial visit for me! Despite the pain that I'm suffering, I pushed myself so that I can visit the Coca Cola Industry in here. With the help of my fantastic friends, I managed to walk at a snail's pace in spite of the pain.

The journey to Coca Cola Industry was around 30-45 mins including the traffic congestion early morning. It was quite a long journey, though. I was euphoric when I saw the big red label of the company's banner! MDE and LSCT students lingered around the security house before we were given permission to go in to the industry. It has to be a big industry as many vehicles came in and out every day to deliver the dozens of Coca Cola to retailers and distributors.

this is what I've been waiting for.

This vehicle caught my eyes. Unique!

Group D!

Group C. Stuck onto the wall

5th OIP batch! unite as one!

Showing off our back!
Went in to the firm and took the stairs to proceed to one of the function room where we have to watch a 10-15 minutes video regarding the history and achievements of Coca Cola. And the most paramount thing was each one of us was given a bottle of Coca Cola! Oh yes, Coca Cola invented a few drinks such as Fanta and Minute Maid. They did not restrict their production to only one kind of drink.

This was their lobby! I can't intepret what's the chinese words.

I guess, this is the wrong way of office manner.

Chilled Coke. we got that early morning.

Video on history of Coca Cola

There was quiz right after the video ended and 2 of us got a prize for giving the right answer regarding Coca Cola. Subsequently, we went over to the production site where we can see how the workers operated the drinks from scratch to end products. Forlornly, we watched the whole procedure through a glass panel as cleanliness is imperative in Food and Beverage company.

The process to make the coke. Huge!

Woah, these are to send out to distributors and retailers.

Look out that the workers wore caps. Cleanliness is no 1 in F & B company. They would not want to get a hefty fines! :/

Last but not least, we went over to the exhibition hall where an assortment of bottled and glassed drinks manufactured by Coca Cola industry were exhibited. We took various fun shots together and I saw that there were many recycled cans packed in a glass box.

Nicholas trying to show off his skills! guess, whether was it in or missed?

Diyanah & I trying to save the weighty F&N from falling down

We do have lots of fun drinking!

tsk tsk tsk! BOYS WILL BE BOYS!

oops, did I see Mr Chia in the pic?
The trip ended just like that and all of us made our way back to our hostel before lunch as we feared that we will be stuck in traffic congestion. Seemingly, we managed to be back before lunch.

After lunch, the two schools representing NP (refering to us), had our OIE presentation. Our topic for the day was the differences and similarities on China vs Singapore. Each group has to come up with 9 differences and 3 similarities on the experiences that had happened to us during our trip in Wuhan.

At 4pm, I have to make my way to the school's clinic to check on what illness I'm suffering. Fortunately, Zhen Zhao, Jiali and two of the local students accompanied me to the school's clinic. Zhen Zhao and Jiali needed the local students for translation. I was amazed by the clinic's procedure.

The local students helped to register my name and I have to go to the 2nd storey to see the doctor. While I was lying down on the bed to be checked, I apprehended there was not even a door to separate the bed and the doctor's table. Mind you, there were different doctors's tables in the room. The boys had to turn away while the doctor checked my stomach. And another bizarre situation was, I have to make my way downstairs to pay at the counter before further check-up examinations, blood test and more. It could be tiresome, i guess!

My medical information, quite flimsy though.

See the condition of the building? no air con. only fan.

I have NO idea what he wrote. neither do my friends understand!

Once I took blood test, urine test and further examinations, the doctors diagnosed that I was having constipation. A bad one indeed. Was given medicines and hopefully nothing will happen to me. So ended up, I have to buy lots of fruits that contained fibres and yoghurts. :/

Reflection: Coca Cola industry recycled many of their canned and bottled drinks as these may reduce the pollution and reduce manufacturing costs. I thought we could bring the used glass that was given to us earlier on back home. But it turned out that we have to return back to them as they need it for recycle. Environmental friendly, i must say!

During the OIE presentation, while every groups took turned to present, the teachers was thunderstrucked by how we presented our presentation on the experienced we had. We did have some small debates, obviously everyone will side with their own country. On the whole, I'm exultant that all of us got to learn one or two from the presentations. Good job, everyone! :)

When I got myself checked in the school's clinic, I was quite taken aback by the whole procedures of the school's clinic and the structure of the building. Well, every place has different environment. Although, this clinic cannot compared to any of the clinics or hospitals in Singapore, it's quite acceptable. As the cleanliness they offered was up to standard. They even reduced the use of air conditioner in the clinic. They use fans instead of aircon and the doctor's cubicle was merely one large table. Yes, this clinic cannot compare to any hospitals I saw in Wuhan but to think of it, it's superior enough to have clinic in school.

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