wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Can I stay in Wuhan instead- Day 33

The final day before heading back to home sweet home. Had our final shopping in Wuhan and final lookout of the local foods. The meet up time was 10 am but every single one of us woke up late and so much of dawdling, we ended up going out at 12 noon. We had to wait for the boys to prepare themselves and meanwhile, discussing where we wanted to explore for the last time.

Took bus to our first destination. Had lunch at the famous Xiao Long Bao restaurant where rumoured said that the Prime Minister of Singapore had the famous Xiao Long Bao. We tried eating their local snacks and drinks before heading to the restaurant. As Dee and I could not have the Xiao Long Bao, we bought fried banana and drink for our lunch. I bought some sweet snacks for my families too. We could not Xiao Long Bao as there's pork meat and the broth is made from pork organs. So we have to give it a miss albeit thy rest of my friends said it was delicious!
The entrance to our first destination

Jonehna with her candy floss!
One of the local foods!
Tempting local foods???
I don't dare to try this every since day 1.
Frog Leg anyone??? okay, I din't eat this as well. :x

I thought this was insects. It turned out to be mini lobsters. Regret not trying this!
After which, we ended up walking about 15 minutes to the ferry terminal to go to Bu Xing Jie. It was a 20 minutes ride to our second destination. Being a tourist, of course we have to try to shop at different shopping malls. We walked for about an hour or so but still, we could not find the shopping mall that we wanted. It seemed that our shopping day was a failure. 

The railway in Wuhan
See the queue???? the boys did the honour of buying the tickets

Jonehna with one the cute dog! Cute right???
Group C (not present: Nicholas)
This was supposed to be for emergency but you see what they did with it? hmm...

Cam Whoring in the ferry. with the local students of course.
this picture attracts me A LOT!
My boss saw this at first and luckily they were equipped with safety gears!

Until one of the local students recommended us to one of the shopping mall where we called it fake peninsular plaza. It's somehow like Peninsular plaza in Singapore seemed to be but every shop we went, we can bargain. So most of us dispersed around and shop for cheap and nice stuffs. There's nothing for me to shop except for my niece's present and souveniers for families. In the end, the girls bought a lot of stuff for their families as well.
Since we could not find any magnets or keychains in the shopping malls, we decided to shop at Wal-Mart to bring back to Singapore. All of us bought a lot of snacks to give to friends and families. Seriously a lot! Dee had to stop me a couple of times in case I exceeded the weight of my luggage. But I just can't stop buying all local foods that Singapore does not offer. But hey, everyone including me bought a lot of snacks back home. Including the boys!

 As it was running late and everyone felt bushed from the shopping, all of them settled on Ajisen Ramen for dinner except for me, Nic, Zhen Zhao and Momo. Amazingly, the boys skipped dinner as they have not finish shopping. As for me, I have to find one last present for my niece so skipping dinner was acceptable for me. Shopping with boys was one of the memorable experienced that I would not forgot. They had a hard time choosing their size and the colours that suit them. Okay, this group of boys were the vain ones. Pretty funny! Chose one the shirt that I loved it so much and ended up the two of the boys buying the same clothes. Boys can be vain and fussy at times!

Met up with the rest after dinner and since we did not intend to break the curfew, all of us separated into groups of four and three to take a cab back home. Some of my friends started packing their stuffs while I just just started packing in the wee morning. 

I was shocked to see Yi Xian's room! see what happened? Faint!
As it was the last night in Wuhan, we decided to stay overnight in my room. So being the headquarter room, most of my peers went up and chilled around for the very last time. While waiting for one another to come up to my room, I guess Eliza and I fell asleep. The planned was to stay awake till 6.30 am and went for breakfast  before meeting up at the lobby by 7.30am. As some of them were still hungry, Yu Haw being the fatherly kind, decided to bring his rice cooker up to my room and cook instant noodles for everyone. Ended up, at 4am plus, most of them ate supper or early breakfast. 

I wonder who took this shot! one my unglam pic!
the two sleepyhead and the two.... :)
See what Michelle is playing? Her cute stuff again!!!
Our dear Houng Sheng, looking at his hp i supposed???
There comes our hero! The cook!

Personal Reflection: Finally I satisfied myself with the local foods and explore new places before heading back to Singapore. I was shocked when the lady boss on the Xiao Long Bao restaurant said that our prime minister used to taste the foods in there. Impressive! 

Like I've said earlier in my previous posts, they made use of ferry to travel from one place to another apart from the public bus and taxis. It was very cheap as one ticket cost RMB 1.50 per person. If Singapore shopping malls can bargain, I bet it will be crowded everyday! (like as if the shopping malls were not crowded). 

The feeling of living with your peers in one room and waking up everyday looking at them, going to end real soon. In fact, I don't want this to end so fast but yet, I missed my families too. Everything has to come to an end. 

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