wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Feel on doing Practical prior to test- Day 23

As there will be PM practical test on Friday, Mr Chia arranged to have practical revision so that we can have the feel before doing our test on Friday. And of course, to refresh our memory on how to do the steps in Microsoft Project 2007. Some of us had problem doing the interim baseline as we are supposed to save before making any amendments to get the baseline. But some of us did otherwise. It turned out that some of us could not get the same solution as Mr Chia and we have to redo from the start.
It was an intense feeling like any moment any of us may turn to a hulk. The practical was acceptable but we will be frustrated if we could not get it right. It’s norm, I supposed. Everyone tried doing slowly to avoid any blunder and no one will want to repeat the practical from the start again.
Afterwards, Mr Chia told us to practice the seven practical that we have done throughout our stay in Wuhan in our own dormitory so that we can get used to using the Microsoft project before our practical test.
Class ended at 12 noon and as usual everyone went out to have their lunch at different places. I dint want to go out to have my lunch as I need to finish up with my blogging. Apparently, I have been having problem with my internet throughout the stay. Frustrating? Yes!
After lunch, my group leader, Yu Chuan, distributed the task that we have to do for our project. My room was empty as my other two roommates went down to have their group meetings while my group was done with all the meetings.
By 6.30pm, some of planned to go to the flea market at Jian Shi Qi Lu which means 7th streets.  The flea market was opened from 7pm onwards and thanks to Mr Chia, Zhen Zhao and Joanna, they managed to find the flea market while jogging the other day. A new place for us to explore! By 6.30pm, most of my friends met up to have their dinner first before proceeding to Jian Shi Qi Lu. However, Eliza, Jiali, Diyanah and I did not want to go as we got to know at the very last minute from our friend. So we decided to give it a miss.
The four of us headed to Ling Mong Le (happy lemon) to have our dinner. Coincidentally we saw Agnes and Edward having their dinner there as well. After much consideration, we decided to go to the flea market as we were keened to see what’s in store for us. It was a 10 minute ride by bus and Zhen Zhao brought us to the flea market as no one knew how to go.
I was disheartened as I could not find any magnets or keychains that symbolized China. All I could find was clothes, bags, accessories, gadgets and household appliances. My friends bought lots of stuffs such as gadgets, clothes, accessories and well, I supposed they love bargaining with the sellers. The stuffs that they bought were really a good bargained.
All of took cab back to our hostel as we lost track of the time and we will be fined if we reached after 10.15pm. Thank god, the flea market was nearby to our hostel. All of us sprinted our way back to the hostel gate like as if there were robbers catching us behind.
Unfortunately, we got fined RMB 20 while trip leader and assistant trip leader have to pay more.

Personal Reflection: Albeit we are on our own in Wuhan apart from friends, there’s limit to everything that we do. There’s teachers who guide us, took care of us and punished us if we were over limit. Mr Chia ought to fine us as we mistrust his kindness. We were lucky enough to be fined RMB 20 as it was our first time going back home after the curfew time.
As a student, we should remember that we were given the opportunity to go overseas representing Ngee Ann Polytechnic, and the main priority coming to Wuhan is to study and experience the cross cultural views in other country. Shopping is secondary, I realized.
Once we started shopping, we are sure to lost track of the time as we will be busy looking for all the nicest things that we want to buy. Luckily there were Zhen Zhao and Shi ling and the group leaders to remind each other of the timing. Otherwise, we will have to pay double the fine. I believed that will the last time we got fined as people learnt from mistake. In addition, no one would want to give easy money.
I was bombshell and my hopes were dashed when I could not find any magnets and key chains during my stay in here. I thought I could find any of the souveniers in the flea market but to no avail. I was surprised that we could only find such things in tourist attractions such as the Yellow Crane Tower.  Even in the shopping mall, I could not see any sight of it.

I believe some countries have taxis that is not using meter. In Wuhan, such cases are common. The Chinese called it Hei Che (Black car). As denote by the name, Hei Che is a car that does not use meter when commuter hitched in. As what I’ve heard, foreigners are not advisable to hitch a ride as they may tout the charges. If a normal taxi cost RMB 10 to a nearby place, they may charge RMB 50 for the same place.  In Singapore, it’s uncommon or rather rare to see such cases. The next thing you will see is you will end up in a police station.

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