wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Friday, October 8, 2010

When everyone "chiong" to get our 1st presentation done- Day 17

"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning."
- Ivy Baker Priest

It may be the end of yesterday, but it will be a beginning of today.
Yes, no matter how much I've whined for waking up 2 hours earlier before school started, my friends and the atmosphere in here put a smile on my face. Not a single day, I regretted making my way to school. The cold wind open its arms widely once I made my way out of the dorm's gate.

Finished up practical 6 and 7 as our Practical Test was around the corner. Mr Chia pointed out the important points that we have to take note of in case it will come out during our Practical Test. Some of my friends were befuddled as they did not get the same answer as Mr Chia whereas the steps were the same. Having confused at the baseline and interim part were the annoying part as if we got that wrong, we might have to redo everything. Finally we found the solutions and I got a huge feeling that it will come out during the test. Each groups draw lots to see which team will present first after lunch.

It was time for our first interim Project management presentation. The sequence was as followed:-
  • B-E-A-D-C
As my group was the second last group to present, we managed to have ample time to edit and rehearse our presentation before showing it to the boss (Mr Chia). Each group was given 10 minutes to talk about their project and from there, Mr Chia will give his utmost comments. We presented our project and he was relatively contented.

The whole lot of us were invited to a hotpot in the vegetarian restaurant for dinner. All thanks to Han Hui. He has been a regular customer eversince we came to Wuhan and the boss knew him so well. We could also call for delivery if we were feeling indolent to eat out. We were reluctant to go as we might trouble him but on the contrary, he closed his shop just to invite us!

The various dishes that were offered!

We saw a few of local university students in the restaurant. As some of my friends like Eliza and Jiali object strongly when comes to spicy foods, they decided to eat at other places. While some of the guys settled on eating dinner at different restaurant as the vegetarian restaurant could not accomodate many people. It was an enjoyable dinner where we got to know in depth on their chinese cultures and lifestyles. I bet the boss must be on a cloud nine that we managed to put some profits on his earnings as some of us ordered food from him daily.  Reached the hostel before 10pm as that's when the curfew started! :)

The boss of the vegetarian restuarant and his accomplices. (boss- the most right)

The boss and his accomplices cheering their drinks!
Yu haw and Han Hui interacting with the local students! Making new friends i supposed.

Reflection: It gets pretty outlandish as the boss of the vegetarian restaurant seems to be extra kind to us. Not that I say his evil or cunning, but he is very nice to strangers like us. He even closed his shop just to cater for us. How good can he be?

During dinner, I have observed and learnt some of the local cultures and lifestyles. Like example, even if one person is late, they will wait for the person. If back in Singapore, we will proceed without the person. And when the host served drinks or food, we should just accept it instead of declining it.

While having the hotpot with entire friends of mine, I missed how I used to have steamboat with my family and yak the night long. Gosh, how i missed those part. :/

Learnt from the mistakes. That's what we have been reminded everytime we did any mistake. Be it in academics or other than that. I did some mistakes in my practical and what I've got to do is to learn from my mistakes and not repeat it again. 

And what I have discovered in Wuhan, the people lives a simple, content life where they did not need to worry about many things. Even how poor they are, they are very happy that they could live till the next day and not worrying so much. I envy their situation where simple life is all they needed. To us, the cost of living in Wuhan is nothing compared to Singapore. So whenever I bought foods or drinks, I tend to divide the amount by 5 to compare with Singapore dollars. And that makes all the foods and drinks here extremely inexpensive. That's an advantage of having a strong dollar, i guess.

N.E message: Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong.
Thinking about it, how much we loves a country, there's nothing compared to our own nation- Singapore. That's where we were born, we were fed by our parents and live in a government building. How much we love or hate, Singapore is our home, still. :)

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