wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yes Hairdo! -Day 30

More orange leaves on the ground plus the cool weather throughout the day. What can you expect for more? It was raining the whole morning and the weather made me want to wake up later than usual. As per normal, lesson started at 9am (we already get used to the timing), and for the first time, the boys such as Edward, Yu Chuan and Nicholas were early than everyone else including my roommates and I. A little too late to make a change? :/

Had our final theory topic of Project Management on Teams and Diversity where it was a short lecture. We had to watch a video which was common to everyone: Nobody by Wondergirls.
We had to relate the video to the topic that we had learnt earlier on. As for our assignments, we had to write down the numerous elements of teams and diversity which linked to the video and explained on why did we choose that certain elements.

The last lecture in Wuhan. Going to miss the feeling.

It was a pretty easy assignment where we just have to relate the video with the topic that we had learnt earlier on. After which, like any other day, the rest will disperse to have their lunch. Group D stayed behind for a few minutes as we had to do some filming on our video.

Acting or being cool? Choose! :)

As all the other groups went to lunch with their team members, group D decided to do likewise. Edward was not able to tag along as he was not feeling well. Instead, Yu Chuan, Yi Xian and I went to Tuo Lo Jie (back alley), to have our lunch. We were spoilt for choices and we could not decide on what kind of foods did we want to try. We did not want to go to Ling Mong Le as I believed, we should try the other foods that can be found in the streets. We settled on a new vegetarian restaurant and although the space available was limited, the place looked clean. It was a nice meal and treated by the boss (Yu Chuan). :)

As it was the last few days before heading back to Singapore, I came to a decision to do something to my hair. Since the rest of my acquaintances wanted to have a change in their hairstyle as well, we went to the new salon that was recommended by Yu Haw and Houng Sheng and the LSCT students too. The place was rather secluded though but without doubt, I fell in love with the place at first sight. It was comfortable, clean and most importantly, it looked luxurious!

Sheltering under the sun. Oops.. Rain i meant!
Going to miss her too! Miss my roommates so much!
Without further ado, five of us: Joanna, Edward, Agnes, Yu Chuan and I chose the colour and the price that we wanted. I've got trouble communicating with the hairstylist and thank god, Eliza and Jiali managed to translate for me. As the colour i chose was quite bright, the hairstylist stressed on how troublesome it's going to be as he needed to do 3 steps before getting the right colour. A price to pay, I don't mind how troublesome it's going to be. :)

Most of us were satisfied with our new hair but some, drastic change to their hair that made them to be uncomfortable. But it was nice, actually. Rushed back to the hostel at 9.30pm and we walk briskly like as if we were in Commonwealth Games. We did not want to be fined from Mr Chia for going back past the curfew time. Once bitten, twice shy. Thank god, we made in on time.
Perming his hair. Drastic Change!!!!

Edward with his new hairdo but not for YC. See his expression? I'm going to miss his baby hair! :(

Personal Reflection: Back in Singapore, I'm going to miss the weather that I've experienced in Wuhan. The orange leaves, cool weather, strong winds and everything. And being in another country, we have to experience the local lifestyle. I'm joyful that I've tried quite a number of streets foods although I'm not pretty sure if my stomach could take it. But hey, it's the last few days in Wuhan. We ought to be daring and try something new! 

While having my lunch in the vegetarian restaurant, the lady boss was exultant to see us although it was our first time going there. Since their portions were big that three of us did not managed to finish up, the cook came over to us and asked if there's problem with the foods. The foods were delicious but knowing us, finishing up a big portion of dishes, definitely not my forte. They were astounded as well, that Singaporean could speak chinese. 

Hair is the most important asset of all. It took me quite a while to try something new to my hair. Highlight. I feared that the colour did not turn out well and I'm not used to not having my usual hairstylist in Singapore. Well, being in another country, I have to be daring I supposed! Fortunately, my hair turned out the way I wanted and I was lucky that it was done by a professional that just got back from Japan. Phew.

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