wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The final Goodbye- Day 34

Was woken up by my roommate, Jiali, at 6.34am. Everyone went back to their own rooms to prepare for the last time. Meeting time at the hostel lobby with all the baggages was at 8am. All of us managed to buy the streets food for our breakfast for the final time. I bought my vegetable dumpling and fresh grounded soya bean. Threw all the rubbish and brought our luggages down.

Busy checking out the mass of individual luggage

See the rubbish? You could find used slippers, etc!
Our bags! That's how they dumped our things!
A present from the local students! How sweet! :)

The local students came along to send us off to the airport. The ride to the airport was about 45 minutes but it seemed to be only a few minutes. Chatted with Yang Tao throughout the journey and apparently he will be coming to Singapore next year. Okay, can't wait to see him. He sang some english songs to me and I really appreciate his kindness during the 5 weeks stay in Wuhan. How I wished that they lengthen the duration. :(

Since we were early and we have ample time, all of us went to KFC for our breakfast. Had my ice cream for the last time and Jiali treated all of us since she had enough money. And that was due to she did not shop a lot in China. Thanks girl! :)

While waiting for our foodssssss!
Some of the luggage from the bus. More to go!
Human chains. that's what the girls could do i guess.
My luggages for the 5 weeks trip!
B 3 was where we checked in our bags!
Busy doing their own things while waiting for the check in time.
Group D! 
What's us without Jump Shot?

Once we got the passport from Mr Chia, we checked in our luggage in groups. Everyone took their turn in checking in the luggages and luckily we did not need to pay any extra fee. Phew! Checked in to the departure hall and found out that our plane was delayed for half an hour. We decided to walk around and buy any souveniers for the final time.

I don't know what does it say.
Yes, "brings you travel inconvenience!' err... yeah!
Boarding pass for both domestic and international. to Singapore

okay, I guess, they are fighting for who has the cutest smile.  -__-
Transit the plane to GuangZhou and the travelling time was about 2 hours. All i knew was I slept throughout the journey and woke up the last 15 minutes. I was shocked to see a set of meal in front of me. I knew that there were carrot and meatball plus rice. Ate only the carrot and leave the rest behind. I don't know why I was still exhausted and sleepy although I slept for a few hours the night before. :x
Any familiar baggage that you can see guys?

With Houng Sheng and Joanna

Meatballs with carrots. :x

Reached GuangZhou and walked towards the international airport from the domestic airport. Han hui lost his boarding pass just before going in to the immigration. Mr Chia had to go down and print another ticket for him. Luckily there wasn't any delay.

While scanning through the scanner, I was told to take off my Dr Martens boots like how I was instructed when I first came to Guang Zhou. Next plane was at 6.35pm where it was supposed to be at 5.35pm. Delayed again! I bought some last minute souveniers at the airport for families since I have sufficient money. So spent all my money till the final cents. 

This caught my eyes at Guang Zhou airport.

Ms Hock settling some things for the muslim foods

Sat beside Jiali and Eliza. Eliza and I told each other not to sleep as this will be the final time we'll be on the plane together before meeting our dearest families. Jiali failed to do so and she slept once the plane took off. Nicholas tried so hard to be awake but somehow, he failed to do so too. 

Ate my muslim food and ended up giving my rice and bread to my boss, Yu Chuan while my chicken to Nicholas. I ate the vegetables and cherries on the plane. The food was not up to my liking though. So i decided to give to the boys since they were super hungry. 

Ta-dah! Rice, bread and chicken were given away. :)

Once the plane touched down, we shouted  "Home Sweet Home" and sang the "Home" song by Kit Chan. Everyone could not wait to meet their dearest families and we passed through the immigration checks as fast as we could. Some of us managed to buy Dute Free goods for our parents before collecting our baggages. 

I was so elated and high-spirit when my families were just outside the arrival hall. Went out as fast as I could and hugged them tightly! I guess I shouted the loudest in the airport that the rest were looking and smile widely. It was a good feeling to be back home and see the familiar faces! :)

Finally I could see this! :)

took pics before going out!
Finally I could see the 4 languages! Home sweet home!
Group pic before bidding goodbye!
And Final group D pic! going to miss them so much! although I'm going to see them everyday! :)

Finally!!!!! This is reality!!!
Going to miss you lots my friend! :'(

Summary Reflection: I could remember vividly from the day I came to Wuhan till the very last day. I used to have this feeling of yearning to see my families when I was in Wuhan. But when I came back to home sweet home, I realized how much I missed Wuhan so terribly. The feeling, the atmosphere, the friends and all the memories still linger in my mind. Sigh. Well, everything have to come to an end. 

When I did my final packing in the room, I felt sad as I will miss the room, the bed and of course the toilet seat. I could only think back about the past. There would be a second one. Started of as stranger, then friends and when the bond grew stronger, we called as one family. We did all the things together, suffered hardships through thick and thin together, and most importantly, have fun together!

Most of friends told me on how hostile the Chinese could be, but I opposed. The local students in my school had been of a great help and they dared to strike conversation. The students brought us around Wuhan and recommended the places. We even had interaction time together such as Barbecue, farewell dinner and so on. 

I'm going to miss the Wuhan City tour such as the Yellow crane tower, the Yangtze river cruise, as of course, the 7000 steps of Mountain Wudang. It was a great experienced throughout my 5 weeks stay in Wuhan. People can snatch the things that I have but not even a single memories. 

The feeling is weird when I woke up to see no one in the room and no one to wake me up. I miss those days where my roommates will stand in front of me and woke me up like as if there's no tomorrow. They will force me to wake up since I've trouble waking up every morning. Going to miss the times where I have to wait for my turn to bathe. And of course missing the part where I have to resort to go to Eliza's room to use her toilet. 

On how much I'm missing the life I used to lead badly, reality is here. Singapore is my home sweet home. 
Singapore is our homeland, this is where we belong. 

How much I've whined or complaints, Singapore is the only home I have, and no one can replace that in my heart. It will forever be the one and only homeland where I truly belong. Singapore has offer me lots of aspects such as academics, beautiful city, and the cleanliness of course. A good house for me to live in and I can go out in the middle of the night without feeling insecure. 

Wuhan has changed my life as I've understood how their lifestyle is. I have learnt a lot from this trip and it has definitely opened up my eyes. Being poor or rich, we are still one nation. 

Besides that, I'm happy that I was given a big chance to work in Group D with my team members that includes Yu Chuan, Yi Xian and Edward! They have been a lovely friends since our 5 weeks trip to Wuhan and we bonded very well. We brainstormed together and raises our voices for opinions and we took an extra mile in helping the two elderly while climbing the Wudang Mountain. Love you guys so much and going to miss you! Although we'll be seeing each other often in Lectures! :)

I miss Wuhan but I love Singapore! :)

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