wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Shopping Spree- Day 19

It was another week of free and easy as coincidentally, the China National Day and Golden Week fell on both weekends. My goodness, they had 1 long week of public holiday which means NO SCHOOL for them!

As for us, we did not want to waste our weekend loitering aroung the school campus doing nothing. So most of the girls felt like going shopping along with Mr Chia, Yu Chuan, Hao Teng, Zhen Zhao and Liang Xun. The rest of them were plainly languid to wake up early and meet up at 9am at the hostel lobby.

Our motive to meet up at 9am was, we did not want to be stuck in the traffic congestion and as it's public holiday, we reckoned that the public transport will be packed like sardine. We walked towards the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. True enough, the bus was almost packed like sardine before we boarded. Can you imagine what's the condition going to be if we boarded the bus? Without any choice, since no one wanted to wait for the next bus as it will reach about half an hour later, we took the cramped bus. Halfway through the journey, a little boy vomited just right beside where we were standing. It was pitiful to see the mother trying to clean the vomit with a limited number of tissue paper. Therefore, I offered them a packet of wet tissue instead.  Amazing, that no one bothered to do something about it.

Reached our destination- Bu Xing Jie.
We were contemplating to shop first or have our brunch first. Eventually, all of us including the guys went to one of the restaurant that sold dumplings to have our brunch. Diyanah and I took the chicken and mushroom dumpling and prawn dumpling as there were pork in other dishes. In a crucial time like this, it's not easy to find halal foodstall in town.
Mr Chia and Yu Chuan can't wait for their foods! see their expression on their face? CUTE!
Michelle, Brenda and Joanna! Food Food Food!!!

Hao Teng (Momo), Me & diyanah! waiting for our dumpling!
Chicken and Mushroom Dumplings! those were nice, serious!
It stated peach and blackcurrent juice respectively :/
Given the energy that we had, everyone started shopping in groups. One big group of girls and another group of boys where we were separated from the boys. It's funny to see how girls shop as we really make a habit to went in to one shop to another. We took 2 and half hour or more just to shop at the ground level (a total of 5 level). We kept looking out for one another in case any of us went missing.

By 3pm, met up with the boys as we want to conquer another shopping centre. By then, Yu Haw, Nic and Houng Sheng were already there. As Joanna was somehow familiar with the shopping centre that we wanted to go to, she lead the way. The shopping centre seemed to be like our Peninsular shopping centre. It was a pretty big shopping centre and my legs started to get sore. Despite my sore legs, I managed to shop alot, still. Thanks to the "trainings" that I got from my parents!
Waiting for shiling and michelle. We're done with shopping but not them, perhaps!

Went over to the first shopping centre to meet up with the guys at 5pm. Initially some of us wanted to their dinner at one of the dumpling restaurant where we have to take boat in order  we can reach the place. But thinking about the human traffic, we decided to have our dinner at Bu Xing Jie as a substitute.

Dinner- Pizza Hut! :)

We had to wait for about 10 minutes as there was insufficient seats for big groups, like us. Went in and the dim light in Pizza hut reminded me of the Pizza Hut in Singapore. Each one of us could not decide on what to eat as we were spoilt for choices. We could never get these much of foods in Singapore's Pizza Hut.


the 2 checkered vs whites!

Ahhhh Nice one! Spamming photos before food arrives

hmmm... You would not want to mess with them!

The bellas (not present: Eudora, Weilin & Yi Xian)

Our foods arrived less than 20 minutes where i ordered my salmon salad, as usual. Had a girls talk while savouring our foods slowly and went off by 7pm to have half and hour shopping before we meet up with the guys. We will fully utilised every minute of our shopping trip! Met up with the guys and boarded the bus to our hostel.

These are some of the foods we ordered. And the drink is Yoghurt dance! (unique name?)

Joanna happily smiling with her spaghetti! okay, enjoy!

well well well... my Smoked salmon salad!

I can't stop looking at their uniform!
  I'm extraodinary bombshelled that China's public holiday stretch up to a week due to China National Day. How could we even see that in Singapore? At most, we will get 3 days off. Mind-blowing! The shopping centres in here are somewhat analogous but we could bargain in every retail stores we went to. But for Singapore, hahaha! U can try, but try harder! :)

It's perfectly difficult to find halal muslim food in Wuhan, particularly in the town area. With no other choice, Diyanah and I have to be versatile in this circumstance. We ordered some dishes/foods that does not consist pork in it. Or we will try to find places that does not sell pork notwithstanding it's not halal.

An old couple boarded the bus and was trying to find a seat. However, not a single soul bother to give up their seats. Eventually one of my friend stood up and gave up her seat. Apparently it's amazing that no one would actually care to give up their golden seat for the elderly. Back in Singapore, in case you don't want to be published in the Stomp and got a killer stare from everyone, they will pretend to sleep or gave up their seats. It's amazing that no one cared. Even a photographer from WUST, happened to say the same thing. He said that it's hard to see youngsters of their own nation to give up the seat to the elderly or to anyone who needed the seat most. Everyone is fighting for the golden seat.

"This is the final test of a gentleman: his respect for those who can be of no possible value to him."
                                                                                                                          - William Lyon Phelps

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