wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Farewell dinner with the local students- Day 32

our FUN JUMP SHOT!!! :)

Supposed to have a group meeting at 9am but it was fruitless. Fortunately, my group had done all the necessary filming for our videos. The girls met at 11am just outside our room to familiarize with the formation of Nobody dance. We did some final rehearsal and memorize the formations. 

At 12 noon, the boys had a friendly basketball match with the local students. Looking at how strong and firm the local students played, our boys managed to put a draw in the end. Mind-blowing! Good job for both our boys and the local students. Maybe it was due to our loud cheered that they won. haha!
MDE boys! Ever ready to play balls!
With the local students. A friendly match!
Meanwhile, Dee and I walked along the back alley to attempt the local foods. We had this craving to try the mee-poh but we feared they may add pork meat or pork oil. So being daring, I asked whether they had pork meat in the noodles in Chinese. Initially the first stall said yes. So feeling a little disappointed, we walked down the alley. We found one stall selling the same thing and I asked the same thing again to the auntie.Thank god, it was a vegetarian food stall. So Dee and I shared one packet one the noodle and knowing that I could not leave without my vegetables everyday, I managed to buy RMB 2. Apart from that, I bought one lemon waffle and milk tea for the last time. I'm going to miss Wuhan terribly. :(

Can you imagine everything just for RMB 3???

It takes two to finish the food!

Went back to our hostel to respite for a while before preparing ourselves for the farewell dinner at night. Surprisingly, all the boys made an effort to dress up. Funny moments though. The girls took an initiative to dress up for the farewell dinner as well. Since the meeting time was 5.30pm at Wal-Mart, some of us decided to take cab as we did not want to get fined (again).

Cam whoring while waiting for the boys.

The farewell dinner was at Golden Hans where it was an international buffet. I loved the atmosphere in there and it was a memorable gathering with the local students. Some of the local students went to every table and tossed their drinks to thank us for everything that we had done. I can't wait for them to come to Singapore next year. 

This was where we ate our international buffet! Hans river like in Singapore?
Well well well. My vegetables!!!
My table!

5th Batch of OIP 2010!!! NICE

Okay, I was "choked!" uurgh

Interacting with the local students.

Han Hui and Nic with the chinese boys.

I don't know why were they looking so fierce. But it was NICE anw!

The belles on that night! Awesome dinner, awesome gathering. Thanks Wuhan.

The hunks for that night. See what I meant by they really dressed up?
Like i said, Group D LOVES JUMP SHOT
missing my team mates soon!
With the local students: Da fei and Yang tao
Yours truly with Da Fei. He has been a great help to me when  I was sick.
Lili and Yang Tao (handsome in Chinese)
He dared to strike a conversation with me when we first met. Awesome!
Individual shots. Xiaodidie!

Yi Xian with Da Fei
Finally, the boss of Group D, Mr Cute. -__-
Going to miss the LMGT girls!!!! Seriously!
with the 2S01 babes.
W/O them, our trip would not be that lively, i think! Oh MY....
Finally, jump shot from the guys! They want to have a taste too!

Personal Reflection: I thanked all the local students whom have been a great help since the day we came to Wuhan. They have been interacting with us and we understood their culture and lifestyle well enough. One thing I did not regret, trying their local foods. Of course I refrained myself from consuming rice and bread. 

When the boys were having friendly match with the local students, I feared that we would lose terribly. But to my amazement, they managed to clinch a draw. Wonderful! I have this thinking because, the local students played the sport that they love every single day. The chinese trained everyday and i agreed practice makes perfect. In Singapore, we played sports when we have ample time. As our schedule is very tight, we have to manage our time so that we can balance our academics and sports. And obviously, they lead a healthy lifestyle even though they have a hearty breakfast every single day.

As for the farewell dinner that was held at Golden Hanns, we paid for the local students. The price cost RMB 40 per person. When converted to Singapore dollar, it's only $8 for an international buffet. Very Cheap! But to the locals, the price they paid was already expensive. Furthermore, this will be our gratitude for helping us ever since we came to Wuhan. They brought us around Wuhan, recommending us the places to shop, interacting with for the whole month plus and of course, brought us to the clinic when we were sick. I'm absolutely going to miss them when I come back to Singapore!

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