wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

wakey wakey upper east siders. It's Wuhan speaking!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Project Meeting & Setting off the Wishing Lantern- Day 10

The 10th day in Wuhan University of Science & Technology. Should I be adapting to the conditions and lifestyle in here or homesick and missing Singapore lifestyle?

To a great extent, I'm starting to adapt to the lifestyle in Wuhan and the living conditions in here. Frankly, it's not that bad apart from missing my families in Singapore. Okay, I should stop being emo in here.

We had a whole day off so that we can work on our Work Breakdown Structure and Statement of Work in groups.The leaders in each group set the time for the first project meeting. As for my group, we started on our project after lunch so that we have the whole morning off to finish up our blog and other miscellaneous stuffs.

Group C that comprises of Yu Haw, Diyanah, Joanna and Nic decided to have their lunch at the Vegetarian restaurant. I tagged along as I would want to taste their vegetarian foods. It was in Lyda Jie and the place is quite deep in. It was my first time going to the vegetarian restaurant and I'm unsure of the route.

The street just behind our dorm- Lyda Jie
Various dishes that caught my eyes for a moment!
Local Streets foods!
Who on the right mind will leash a kitten? Pitiful indeed!

Upon reaching to our destination, we ordered a few of their specialities which was enough for the five of us. It was a tasty meal albeit the foods were quite oily. Rushed back to our dorm and everyone dispersed to their own groups respectively to work on the WBS and SOW.
Vegetarian Restaurant!
Nic, Yu haw, Joanna, Diyanah

P/S: He has the always-same-kind pose!

The big boss ordering foods for us!

One of the speciality- Vege with fake meat!

My group managed to brainstorm together and exchanged suggestion so that we can learn from one another. Thank god, we managed to conclude 3/4 of the task given to us by dinner. As our brain started to get a little slow, we called it off and everyone went out to have their dinner. (No wonder the brain started to get a lil slow, everyone was hungry!) haha!

Diyanah and I was sluggish so we ended up ordering vegetarian foods. We ordered dishes that was enough for both of us and I love the cauliflower! Oh, how I missed my boiled vegetables in Singapore as I dont consume carbohydrates.

The boss actually set up for us! and it was nice!!

The plan was to set the wishing lantern off after dinner but most of them went out to have their dinner and came back late. And we would not want to do things that does not involved most of us. So we waited for them to come back and furthermore, we have to wait for teacher's approval to set off the lantern. We have to make reconfirmation on the latest time of the closure of the dorm's gate as we did not want to be locked out of the dorm.

These was what happened when boredom strikes while waiting for most of them!

Potrait shots while waiting for the rest for the lantern ceremony!

Im flying without wings

Ultimately, we managed to set the wishing lantern off but before that, some of them wrote their wish on the lantern. We set off the lanterns one after another and everyone were amazed. It took quite a while for the lanterns to go up high and it burnt down.

Eliza's group trying to figure out how to open the lantern. hmmm..

Thinking on what to wish for?
They were so elated that their lantern works out well!
Finally, the wishing lantern set off

Reflection: Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong. (NE message)

Trying to adapt to other people's country takes time. But what i felt was Singaporeans should know that Singapore is where their home is, and no other country can take their heart away from home. Singapore, this is home truly.

Getting to do projects with other members in the group can be pleasurable as different members contribute different ideas that we can take note of and learnt from one another. Doing project in a group is of great consequence as different minds look forward together to come up with creative ideas. It will be pleasurable when the job is done and we can feel the sense of satisfaction and ease.

When setting off the lanterns, I did not see many local students doing the same thing. As what I've said earlier, most of them are free thinker. I got to know that if you write your wishes on the wishing lanterns, Chang E will find out and she may grant your wishes. Mythically, this was the case from previous generations and ancestors. I believed that every religion has something to offer and we can never provoke any of the religion. We should respect each religion instead. It's never right or wrong.

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